Step into my studio

This is where I create my online and in-person courses to share with you. I am here to help you wherever you are on your own personal creative journey, whether you’re taking your first tentative steps, or you’re a seasoned artist looking for inspiration, or somewhere in between.

Creativity is a journey, and I am your guide


My Work

I love sketchbooks, I have a great collection of all shapes and sizes – I even love making my own sketchbooks with all kinds of different papers inside. I think it’s a great treat to flick through another artist’s sketchbook, so here I share with you some of my work from the past two years. I have been researching the accused Witches of Scotland with funding from Creative Scotland and Ayrshire Councils.  

I like the varied approach to the class: we are being introduced to embroidery from different perspectives  – Student feedback

Welcome to my

Online CourseS

I’m developing a program of online courses that you can download at any time. I teach my classes in real time first so I can find out what my students need and enjoy from the course, and then adapt them for the needs of the solo learner. Each course is clearly structured with step by step tuition and a variety of exercises to try before beginning a final project.

There is a private Facebook group for sharing and connecting with other participants.

I love having a finished piece I have made myself  – Student feedback

Walk, forage, print

live events

Weeds & Witches Course

About 4000 people were accused of Witchcraft during the Scottish Witch Hunts, between 1563 & 1736. These people have been lost to us in history and their stories forgotten.

The details

  • 18th February – 25th March
  • Eligibility: 60+ living in the Western Isles of Scotland
  • Hosted on Zoom
  • Tuesdays at 3.30 – 4.45pm for 6 weeks 
  • Free of charge 

take a look at my community arts project

If you are a practising artist, you can find out more about the Artist-to-Artist micro residency by signing up to my mailing list – I will send you details about how to apply and what to expect.

Send my guide

Artist-to-Artist Micro-RESIDENCY

When artists come together something intangible and alchemical happens

The Artist-to-Artist micro residency comes as a creative response to my experience of disability, which confines me to my home and studio for the majority of the time. It was inspired by the Radio 4 Series “Only Artists”, which records conversations between artists. The Artist-to-Artist Micro-residency opens up a magical process of creative connection, space and breath. It is a time for artists to relax into and deeply align with their creative practice.

I have photosensitivity to LED lights which cause me to collapse and have seizures. Halogen bulbs were banned in the UK in 2021, leaving only LED bulbs in general sale. LEDs cause many health issues, and for acute sufferers like me, they render the world inaccessible causing us to become confined to our homes. I am living in permanent lockdown.

The Artist-to-Artist micro residency has been my way of making new, vibrant connections with fellow artists from my studio. I have found that the artists who come here are drawn into the act of walking and making ritual as art.

We have allowed the land to inspire us

The ancient woodland at the bottom of my garden, the river and the sea, have all nourished and quickened our creative practices. The outcomes have been healing, energising and magical.

It’s been really interesting. We started from almost nothing so it was an interesting process to meet someone for the first time and work out how our two creative practices could interact. The experience as a whole has been really unique.  – Kai Swarvett